Healthy hair: What are the foods you need to intake regularly for healthy hair?

Health is wealth health is that and we hear it every day and see about it every day but do we follow it? that question always a doubtful answer for it from all sides. People live a hectic life where they don’t have time to concentrate on themselves a lot which affects the health of your hair. Me time for your self-care must be slowly initiated in your life so that you don’t go bald which is a nightmare of every person who has hair fall. You must know what are the best foods for healthy hair which way your overall beauty will be fully maintained.
Healthy foods:
Every food has some health benefits that are good for our health but you need to narrow it down to a few that adds strength to your hair. Though you do dome home-made remedies and haircare routine like rice water or hair massage for hair growth you still need in-built strength. Don’t you have a curiosity to have a look at your great-hair diet though you don’t take them daily make sure to take them often?
Salmon fish:
Salmon fish is an all-rounder from health benefits, skin, hair, eyes, and good for anti-aging. Not only salmon, mackerel, and many fishes play a better role in the strength of hair. The omega fatty acids they contain come as a huge benefit to induce hair growth and give them a shiny silky look. Those healthy fat are an important part of hair growth as hair growth needs good fat for their healthiness.
Yogurt or curd:
For years curd and yogurt have been playing a vital role in the hair packs and face packs it not just ends there. Intake of them plays a vital role as it circulated blood to your head and scalp making the procedure towards hair growth a step further. Though the foods to eat for strong hair has a huge list we look at the predominant ones that play their role the best.
We often hear that green vegetables are good for our overall health and spinach tops the list among the vegetables. Their rich nutrients and vitamins make them keep your roots moisturized and strong relieving you from the fear of hair breakage. There are more foods like dates, cereals, nuts, berries, guava, eggs, chicken, sweet potatoes, plates of seafood, dry fruits, papaya and goes on.